US Diamond Buyer Requirements

I represent wholesale diamond buyers.  The process is simple.  If you can get diamonds into the US, they will:
  • Meet you at JFK airport in a secured vehicle
  • Assay and pay for the diamonds with you or your representative present to witness the assay and payment
  • Reimburse you for your expenses( export fees, taxes and travel expenses)
  • Pay for your hotel stay.
  • Sign a contract for long term engagement
  • Up to $2,000 per carat depending on quality.  Average price $1,000 per carat
Diamond Wish List
  • Size:  5 -- 20 carats
  • Gemstone quality only (VS1 - IF)
  • Color:  White (D - H)
  • Quantity:  Prefer parcels of 5,000 carats and above. Can do bulk quantities in excess of 100,000 carats

Additional Details
  • Buyers prefer to avoid travel.
  • These buyers do not use financial instruments
  • Can do spot or contract deals
  • Some buyers will agree to joint ventures after successful shipments to the US
  • We've done this before, so don't tell me what is not possible
  • They do not buy industrial diamonds
  • They do not buy Zimbabwe diamonds
  • The buyers have accounts with Brinks and Malca-Amit

Please, do not email me to complain about these terms.  They are not flexible.  I do occasionally have buyers willing to travel, but I will announce these opportunities as they arise.  You can send your contact information to if you would like me to notify you about buyers traveling to your area.

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